It's amazing how a baby changes between the time it's born and the time it hits four months old. Here's a day in the life of Alayna Kathryn Dorst.
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A Day in the Life of a Four-month-old!

wait a minute ... that other eye is almost open ... I'm up, I'm up!
4" x 6"    Picture #01     large

what's for breakfast, Mom?
4" x 6"    Picture #02     large

that's my favorite food
4" x 6"    Picture #03     large

already read the newspaper...
4" x 6"    Picture #04     large

what's scheduled today?
4" x 6"    Picture #05     large

so many e-mails, so little time...
4" x 6"    Picture #06     large

when the stock hits $45, sell
4" x 6"    Picture #07     large

mid-day blues
4" x 6"    Picture #08     large

can't wait until I'm old enough to dance
4" x 6"    Picture #09     large

relaxing after a tough day
4" x 6"    Picture #10     large

all in all, a great day...
4" x 6"    Picture #11     large

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revised 11/24/05